Meet FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital’s first baby of 2019 – Isabelle Sadie Welch. The New Year’s baby was supposed to make her debut Christmas Day, but instead decided to make a bigger entrance by becoming the Sandhills area’s first baby of 2019.
Sweet Isabelle entered the world at 1:20 a.m. on January 1, 2019, weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and measuring almost 21 inches long.
Her parents, Wesley and Brittni Welch of Aberdeen are extremely excited to welcome their newest addition to their family of now six. According to Mr. and Mrs. Welch, Isabelle’s older sisters and brother can’t wait to dote on their new baby sister.
Upon Isabelle’s arrival, Mr. Welch simply stated that “God is good” and they are very thankful for their new blessing.
Barry K. Buchele, M.D., of Southern Pines Women’s Health Center, a FirstHealth Clinic, delivered baby Isabelle at FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst.