New Anglican church hits first major milestone

On Sept. 17, The Church of the Advent, a new Anglican church plant in Moore County, celebrated its first anniversary as a church family with a joy-filled Sunday Holy Communion Service.

“It was a beautiful celebration, especially seeing so many younger adults and children participating in worship,” one church member said.

The church meets in the former Southern Pines Chapel, 240 East New Hampshire Avenue, which the new church purchased on June 30.

Fr. Michael McKinnon, senior pastor, said, “As Thanksgiving approaches, we have much to be thankful for. God has blessed us with a church building in which to worship Him, fifty members and growing, and a very faithful and loving church family.”

The Church of the Advent is part of The Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, whose membership is comprised of the vast majority of members in the worldwide Anglican Communion.

“[Their] mission is to guard the unchanging, transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ and to proclaim Him to the world” ( McKinnon added, “This is our global mission, and this is our local mission.” The local church is also a congregation of The Anglican Church in North America and The Anglican Diocese of the Living Word.

When asked what is ahead for the new church in its second year, McKinnon said, “Only God knows for sure, but I believe we will soon need to begin offering two services on a Sunday morning; a traditional Holy Communion Service and a more contemporary Holy Communion Service. Also, we are placing a strong emphasis on children’s ministries, as well as on evangelism and discipleship.”

If interested in knowing more about The Church of the Advent, please call or email McKinnon at 910-585-4305, [email protected] or visit their church website:

Contributed/Courtesy photo.