Sandhills Classical Christian School breaks ground expansion

Sandhills Classical Christian School (SCCS) held a groundbreaking ceremony Wednesday for a new 12,000 square-foot building for sixth through 12th grade. The new building will house a science lab, computer/IT lab, fine arts suite, staff work room, administrative suite and bathrooms.

Attendees included SCCS board members, students, parents, academic and administration staff and leaders in the community.

Sandhills Classical Christian School breaks ground

Attendees listen to Chairman of the Board of Directors, SCCS, William Fields at groundbreaking ceremony ~ Sandhills Sentinel Journalism Intern Stephanie M. Sellers.

Funds for the new building were raised in one year.

Rhetson Companies with sister company, Par 5 Development in West End and Neil Smith Engineering in Southern Pines will complete the structure.

SCCS presently offers kindergarten through fifth grades on its 58-acre site at 1487 Rays Bridge Road in Whispering Pines. 

The school is doubling is parking space and extending its driveway.

“This fall we anticipate a total of 340 students in grades Preschool – 12,” said SCCS Planning and Development Coordinator Gene Liechty. “This represents a 30 student increase over last fall.”

The school has already sodded its sports’ practice field and has plans for a future competition field with bleachers.

Contributed by SCCS.

Liechty said that there are plans for arts and athletic building that will house a gym, stage, and areas for choir and pottery.

“People here have a heart to give and support education,” Liechty said.

A biblical worldview instruction method is integrated into education. In preschool, individual or group-structured activities with hands-on experience prepare learners for kindergarten when Grammar Phase begins.

Kindergartners through fifth grade in the memorization phase learn languages, the periodic table of elements, and more through tactile learning.

In the Logic Phase in sixth through eighth grade, Classical education takes advantage of the naturally argumentative and questioning stage, and students learn how to reason and learn that disagreement need not be disagreeable.

In the Rhetoric Phase in ninth through 12th grade, students learn to persuasively articulate as they are prepared for higher learning.

Groundbreaking ceremony video by Sandhills Sentinel Journalism Intern Stephanie M. Sellers.

Headmaster Dell Cook said that “it seems like a new mindset” about the trend of parents enrolling public educated sixth and ninth-graders into private education at higher rates to prepare for higher learning.

“Coming here was the best decision ever made. Prepared my son with education and character,” parent of SCCS 2019 graduate Kathy Parson said.

“It’s been a fun ride to see what God can do to take care of the school,” SCCS Board Secretary Tom Martin said.

SCCS is accredited by the Association of Classical Christian Schools.

Written by Sandhills Sentinel Journalism Intern Stephanie M. Sellers.