Linden Lodge Charity Golf Event 2021

Building on the success of the first edition of Tennis to Tent to Tee in 2018, JDRF will host the three-part, community-wide event again on September 22 and 23, 2019, in Pinehurst. Moore County community leaders and longtime JDRF supporters Betsy and Steve Saye are once again serving as Event Chairs.

“Hundreds of Moore County residents —of all ages—are living with type 1 diabetes (T1D),” said Betsy Saye, who has served on the Board of JDRF’s Piedmont Triad Chapter and provided leadership for many T1D fundraising events in the 11 years since her now-19-year-old son Stephen was diagnosed with T1D. “And now, with JDRF’s increased focus on Moore County, it’s not only simpler for local families and individuals dealing with type 1 to receive the support they need, but also easier for them to raise funds to find a cure for T1D. Tennis to Tent to Tee provides a way for the local T1D community to come together to help create a world without this disease.”

Tennis to Tent to Tee is open to Moore County and Triad residents as well as others from across the state and around the country. The schedule includes:

Sunday, September 22, from 1 – 4 pm at the Pinehurst Resort: Each doubles team will play four matches during the Doubles Round-Robin Tennis Tournament. Cost for the tournament is $50/player. Lunch and a gift bag are included.

Sunday, September 22, from 5:30 – 8 pm under the tent at the Sayes’ home in Pinehurst: Guests at the Oyster & Oink Party will enjoy an oyster roast and barbeque, silent auction, and entertainment. Tickets are $40/person.

Monday, September 23, from 10 am – 4:30 pm at the Country Club of North Carolina: Players will register and enjoy brunch beginning at 10 am, with the shotgun start at 11:20 am, followed by a dessert buffet and awards ceremony around 4 pm.  $350/player or $1,400/foursome. Each player will receive a swag bag containing golf merchandise.

Tennis to Tent to Tee sponsorships are available at a variety of levels.

For information on sponsorships or volunteering, or to register for any or all parts of Tennis to Tent to Tee, please e-mail Executive Director Eleanor Schaffner-Mosh at [email protected] or call the Piedmont Triad Chapter office at 336-373-1768.

Photo by Sandhills Sentinel Sport Photographer John Patota.


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