Attempted church fire earns $1 million bond

A Vass man is under a $1 million bond and is charged with burning a church/religious building and injury to personal property on Nov. 14, according to a news advisory from Moore County Sheriff’s Office.

“Deputies were notified that a subject was breaking the windows of a local church in Vass,” said the advisory. 

A quick response by authorities to the fire at God’s House of Prayer at 835 Byrd Road in Vass is responsible for an unsuccessful attempt at burning the handicap ramp connected to the church.

James Lawson, Jr., 22, of the 800 block of Byrd Road, in Vass, was arrested by Moore County Sheriff’s Department. He was booked at the Moore County Detention Center at 5:55 a.m.

The suspect faces felony charges on Dec. 16 in Moore County District Court and is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Written by Sandhills Sentinel Journalism Intern Stephanie M. Sellers.