Cameron's Phillips Park shines in fall

Phillips Memorial Park in Cameron has a pond with shade, dedicated walking trails lined with pecan trees, a picnic shelter, playground, facilities, and during the fall is a community attraction.

Steven Herrera took his son Alex fishing at Phillips Memorial Park on Oct. 8. Alex’s mother is a deployed marine.

“She needs this right now,” Steven said about the documentation of his son enjoying the park.

Cameron's Phillips Memorial Park shines in the fall

While Alex cast his line under his father’s instruction hikers enjoyed the trail.

 Phillips Memorial Park shines in fall

The pecan trees make a natural frame for taking photos and offer shade for hikers and joggers.

 Phillips Memorial Park shines in the fall

The children’s recreation center offers shade and exercise.

The hill overlooking the pond has a grass area for spreading a picnic lunch under the sun and has benches in the shade.

Cameron's Phillips Memorial Park shines in fall always

Phillips Memorial Park is at 145 Fayetteville Street in Cameron.

Phillips Memorial Park exists because deceased Cameron resident and teacher Sue Phillips donated the land to the town.

The park offers rental of the picnic shelter for $60 for the first three hours and $15 for each additional hour plus a $100 security deposit which will be refunded if the shelter and tables are left clean with no damage.

Article and photos by Sandhills Sentinel Journalism Intern Stephanie M. Sellers.