Fire hydrant testing begins in Aberdeen

Downtown Aberdeen is being taken over by superheroes thanks to a superhero themed contest.

Aberdeen Fire & Rescue Department recently gave the fire district’s hydrants a new paint job and “decided to have some fun with the hydrants in downtown and hold a contest,” said town officials on social media.


Superhero fire hydrant on corner of Poplar Street and Knight Street ~ Sandhills Sentinel.

Contest goers were assigned a hydrant with the instructions to give it a superhero face-lift.

“Hydrants will be judged by the Aberdeen’s real heroes – First Responders with the winner announced at the August 26th Board Meeting,” said the town.

Participant, High Octane Coffee Shop, chose to paint their hydrant, on the corner of Sycamore and Main, as Rosie the Riveter. Nicola Squires and Tracy Harrison said they chose Rosie because they are female owners of a business, and most Aberdeen downtown businesses are female owned.


High Octane ladies creating Rosie the Riveter ~ Sandhills Sentinel.

Carolina Barbell was working on their fire hydrant on the corner of Sycamore and Maple. They are doing theirs as a tribute to the POW-MIAs.

They also have one on Pine Street that is Captain America.


Carolina Barbell’s tribute to the POW-MIAs ~ Sandhills Sentinel.

The contest includes 11 superhero fire hydrants, and the town is encouraging the public to “take a stroll around downtown and see if you can find all 11 superheroes.”