Both the 7 Lakes Kiwanis Club along with Kiwanis Club of the Sandhills formed yet another partnership to ensure that both Mackenzie Sheffield and Meghan Bannick, both North Moore High School Juniors, were awarded funds to attend the Carolina International Key Club conference in Chicago.
Mackenzie Sheffield is currently serving as North Moore Key Club President and recently appointed Lt. Governor over District 10 representing Moore, Lee and Hoke County schools. The Key Club is a student led organization focused on providing public service within their communities.
As Lt. Governor, Mackenzie is encouraged to attend the Annual Int’l Key Club Conference the summer of 2018. This conference will serve to enhance leadership skills, to engage with other student leaders around the country, while representing our local communities, division and State.
Attending the Sandhills Kiwanis luncheon at CCNC on March 25th were Jerry Sink, President, Bill Pratt and Bud Durragh of the 7 Lakes Kiwanis. Curtis Richie, President of Sandhills Kiwanis along with Sam Walker, President Elect, were excited to present both Mackenzie and Meghan with funds towards their travel to Chicago.
Photo and article submitted by Joanne Conrad, Kiwanis Board Member.