In March, the National Park Service (NPS) will begin seeking public input on the initial findings from its study of North Carolina’s Pinehurst National Historic Landmark District (NHLD).
The public comment period on the district’s Integrity and Condition Assessment Study will open from March 1 to April 15 and includes opportunities to submit written comments and participate in public meetings.
The draft study and key findings — completed under contract by Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc. — identifies the district’s current condition, key threats and avenues for growth vital to the district’s long-term preservation. The study also recognizes local preservation success and further recommendations for future preservation efforts.
“The purpose of this project is to assess the district’s current integrity and condition as a national historic landmark and help guide future preservation efforts,” said Ellen Rankin a historian with the National Historic Landmarks Program. “Public input will help ensure a full range of factors are considered as part of this process.”
Opportunities for Public Commenting
The NPS welcomes public comments on the draft Pinehurst NHLD Integrity and Condition Study prior to finalizing the report later this year. The NPS will host two public meetings with opportunities to provide feedback:
March 1, 2022, at 11 a.m.: Please join virtually with this link
March 1, 2022, at 4:30 p.m.: Please join virtually with this link
The public may submit written comments for consideration in the study:
Online (the preferred method)
Select “Open for Comment” on the left menu bar, open the “March 2022 Public Meetings” and click on the green “Comment Now” button to access the online commenting form; or
By Postal Mail, send comments to:
Ellen Rankin
Attn: Pinehurst NHLD Study
National Park Service
100 Alabama Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30303
Written comments on the draft study must be submitted online or postmarked by April 15 to be considered.
The NPS will also host a series of listening sessions with community members directly involved in the management of the district, including stewards, policymakers, civic planners and preservation experts to gain a greater understanding of their efforts to preserve the district.
Feature photo of Village of Pinehurst by Sandhills Sentinel Photographer Melissa Schaub.