Pinehurst Village Council has released their meeting agenda.
Assembly Hall, 395 Magnolia Rd.
4:30 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Reports:
4. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda.
All items listed below are considered routine or have been discussed at length in previous meetings and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held unless requested by a member of the Village Council.
A. Public Safety Reports.
Police Department
Fire Department
B. Approval of Draft Village Council Meeting Minutes.
June 12 Regular Meeting
June 12 Work Session
End of Consent Agenda.
5. Consider a resolution appointing Molly Gwinn as the Chairperson of the Historic Preservation Commission.
6. Motion to Recess Regular Meeting and Enter Into a Public Hearing.
7. Public Hearing No. 1
The purpose of this public hearing is to consider a request by the Village of Pinehurst for a Major Site Plan Review in order to construct a Community Center. This property is identified as Moore County PID#’s 00029688, 00029686, 000298687 and is located at Cannon Park near the intersection of NC HWY 211 and Rattlesnake Trail.
8. Motion to Adjourn Public Hearing and Re-Enter Regular Meeting.
9. Consider a motion to approve a request by the Village of Pinehurst for a Major Site Plan Review in order to construct a Community Center.
10. Consider authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute an addendum to the Rec Room lease.
11. Motion to Recess Regular Meeting and Enter Into a Public Hearing.
12. Public Hearing No. 2
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a voluntary annexation petition from Charles L. Grant, II for approximately 5 acres located at 4176 Murdocksville Road. The properties to be annexed are also defined as being Moore County LRK # 20160035 and are designated as Pinehurst Senior Apartments, LLC.
13. Public Hearing No. 3
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a voluntary annexation petition from Rick Knight of Tiara Properties for approximately 8.45 acres located at 4140 Murdocksville Road The properties to be annexed are also defined as being Moore County LRK #’s 00016276, 20030615, 00017456, 00016390 and are designated as the Royal Oaks subdivision.
14. Public Hearing No. 4
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a voluntary annexation petition from Ken Bass of Bass Design and Development for approximately 28 acres located along Foxfire Road. The properties to be annexed are also defined as being Moore County LRK #’s 00020369, 00020354 and are designated as the Winston Pines subdivision.
15. Public Hearing No. 5
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a voluntary annexation petition from Sandhills Alliance Church for approximately 2 acres located at 111 Trotter Drive. The property to be annexed is also defined as being Moore County LRK # 20050175 and is designated as Sandhills Alliance Church.
16. Public Hearing No. 6
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a voluntary annexation petition from the Village of Pinehurst for approximately 890 feet of roadway located along Trotter Drive. The portion of the roadway to be annexed was dedicated and accepted into the Village of Pinehurst and was recorded in the Moore County Register of Deeds Book 4694, Pages 536-538.
17. Motion to Adjourn Public Hearing and Re-Enter Regular Meeting.
18. Consider ordinances to extend the corporate limits for the Village of Pinehurst (Pinehurst Senior Apartments, Royal Oaks, Winston Pines, Sandhills Alliance Church, Trotter Drive).
19. Discuss selection of Think Tank Members for Comprehensive Long Range Plan.
20. Consider renewal of On-Call Engineering Services with McGill Associates.
21. Consider solid waste services contract with Lofton Garbage Services.
22. Other Business.
23. Comments from Attendees.
24. Motion to Adjourn.