A Special Called Meeting with the Aberdeen and Southern Pines Mayors and both Towns’ Commissioners will be held on Monday, June 26th at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held at the Aberdeen Fire Department Emergency Operations Center located at 800 Holly Street in Aberdeen.

The topic will be the US 1/15-501 project.  

In 2020-2021, Moore County will experience a significant change on two major corridors – US Hwy 1 and US Hwy 15-501.  These changes will impact those who reside directly on these highways, as well as any feeder streets that flow into these roads.  On June 2nd, the Town of Aberdeen asked for the public’s input on these construction projects, and encouraged the community to attend any public meetings relating to these projects, educating business employees, clients, and vendors as the project approaches.  The Town of Aberdeen stated they want the community to be kept up to date on the project to ensure the business community continues to flourish during and after the construction phase. One of the options for the US 1/15-501 project is to create a super-street.

Click on the link for public input form if you cannot attend the June 26th meeting:http://townofaberdeen.net/docview.aspx?docid=1892  

Click on the link for superstreet FAQ’s: http://townofaberdeen.net/docview.aspx?docid=1891 

Click on the link to watch a superstreet video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLwl01NCp9I