An 11-lot subdivision off Diamondhead Dr. is closer to reality after the Village of Pinehurst Council voted to approve the development known as Floyd Way in a regular meeting Tuesday night. The approval came with certain conditions.
The development of the 11-acre property located near the southern end of Pinehurst Lake has been met with concerns over traffic safety and wetlands from the neighborhood and adjacent property owners. Nearly two dozen neighborhood residents attended the meeting.
In their approval, the Village Council required that safe sight distances be established at the intersection of Diamondhead Dr. and the proposed subdivision road. Sight distance, also known as a sight triangle, is the length of roadway visible to the driver of a vehicle entering or leaving an intersection. A safe sight distance permits a driver to avoid other vehicles.
This issue became a point of contention during the meeting. As proposed, the intersection of Diamondhead Dr. and the subdivision road does not meet the sight distance engineering standards established by the Village. A lawyer working for the developer spoke in opposition to the requirement.
Another condition made part of the final approval related to wetlands. Nearly an acre of wetlands is thought to be present on the parcel. Prior to the next phase of construction, the developer is required to map the wetlands on the site to ensure that they are not disturbed.
Also made part of the approval is a provision for a 50-foot easement across two of the lots. The easement would allow for the construction of a road to a possible development on an adjacent property. In August, the Village of Pinehurst Council held a public hearing to consider the Floyd Dr. subdivision. At that time, many residents voiced their opposition to the subdivision.
In comments before the vote was taken, Mayor John Strickland said, “We have had quite a bit of public input from residents and others in the area. We have tried to take that input and apply it to the Pinehurst Development Ordinance and create conditions that we think are necessary and useful based upon areas where there may have not been compliance in the past.”
Speaking to residents and concerned citizens during the meeting, council member Lydia Boesch said, “As council, our sole responsibility is to determine whether there is compliance with our development ordinance. I know many of you wanted us to stop this, and we do not have the authority to do that.” Boesch went on to say, “I want to thank all of you for your incredible level of public participation in coming to meetings and emailing us.
Feature photo: Village of Pinehurst council member Kevin Drum and Mayor John Strickland during a meeting of the Village Council Tuesday to discuss Floyd Way subdivision. The development near Pinehurst Lake received conditional approval on Sept. 22, 2020.
~Article and photo by Sandhills Sentinel Reporter John Patota.