29 suspects charged in Moore County drug bust

Moore County Sheriff Ronnie Fields announced the drug arrests of 29 individuals following an extensive undercover drug operation in the Robbins, Eagle Springs, Carthage, Vass, and West End areas of Moore County.

The 29 individuals were arrested on a combined total of 221 charges for distribution of drugs such as heroin, methamphetamine, and prescription medications. Individuals were also charged with Misdemeanor Child Abuse and Contributing to the Delinquency of a Juvenile. The arrests were made at the conclusion of a lengthy investigation into the distribution of illegal drugs in Moore County.

Terry Lee Hyde III, 23, Carthage:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, sell heroin, deliver heroin, conspire to sell heroin, conspire to deliver heroin, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances, possession of drug paraphernalia, and obtain property by false pretense.
Bond: $15,000.00 Unsecured
Terry Lee Hyde Jr, 51, Carthage:
Charges- Conspire to sell heroin, conspire to deliver heroin, and maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances.
Bond: $7,500.00 Secured
Thomas Burke Edmisten, 39, Robbins:
Charges- (2 counts) Possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, (2 counts) sell heroin, (2 counts) deliver heroin, (2 counts) possession with intent to sell and deliver methamphetamine, (2 counts) sell methamphetamine, (2 counts) deliver methamphetamine, and (2 counts) possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $75,000.00 Secured
Wanda Michelle Cockman Hill, 43, Carthage:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, sell schedule II-controlled substance, deliver schedule II-controlled substance, possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule VI controlled substance, sell marijuana, deliver marijuana, conspire to sell schedule II controlled substance, conspire to deliver schedule II-controlled substance, conspire to sell marijuana, conspire to deliver marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana paraphernalia.
Bond: $15,000.00 Secured
Steven Dalton Singletary, 49, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, sell schedule II-controlled substance, deliver schedule II-controlled substance, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $10,000.00 Secured
Rodrigo Amando Aviles, 36, Carthage:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, sell schedule II-controlled substance, deliver schedule II-controlled substance, possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule VI- controlled substance, sell marijuana, deliver marijuana, conspire to sell schedule II-controlled substance, conspire to deliver schedule II-controlled substance, conspire to sell marijuana, conspire to deliver marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of marijuana paraphernalia.
Bond: $15,000.00 Secured
Robert Travis Hill, 26, Carthage:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule III-controlled substance, sell schedule III-controlled substance, deliver schedule III-controlled substance, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place-for controlled substances, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $10,000.00 Secured
Robert Fred Zimmerli Jr, 31, Robbins:
Charges- (5 counts) Possession with intent to sell and deliver methamphetamine, sell methamphetamine, deliver methamphetamine, conspire to sell methamphetamine, conspire to deliver methamphetamine, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances,  and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $100,000.00 Secured
Rhonda Lynn Hancock, 39, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, sell schedule II-controlled substance, deliver schedule II-controlled substance, trafficking in opium or heroin by possession, trafficking in opium or heroin by sell, trafficking in opium or heroin by deliver and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $15,000.00 Secured
Pamela King Rush, 49, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule III-controlled substance, sell schedule III-controlled substance, deliver schedule III-controlled substance, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling/place for controlled substances, misdemeanor child abuse, and contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile.
Bond: $25,000.00 Secured
Nicole Marie Sink, 32, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, sell schedule II-controlled substance, deliver schedule II-controlled substance, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances, m/s/d/p controlled substance within 1000 feet of school and possession,  of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $10,000.00 Secured
Nathanial Lynn Rush, 27, Robbins:
Charges- (2 counts) Possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, (2 counts) sell heroin, (2 counts) deliver heroin, possession of heroin, conspire to sell heroin, conspire to deliver heroin, possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, sell schedule II-controlled substance, deliver schedule II-controlled substance, conspire to sell schedule II-controlled substance, conspire to deliver schedule II-controlled substance, (3 counts) maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances, possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule III-controlled substance, sell schedule III-controlled substance, deliver schedule-III controlled substance, conspire to sell schedule III-controlled substance, conspire to deliver schedule III-controlled substance and (3 counts) possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $75,000.00 Secured

Kelly Ray Richardson, 31, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, sell schedule II-controlled substance, deliver schedule II-controlled substance, (2 counts) possession with intent to sell and deliver methamphetamine, (2 counts) sell methamphetamine, (2 counts) deliver methamphetamine, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $15,000.00 Secured
Karen Marie Maness, 38, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, sell schedule II-controlled substance, deliver schedule II-controlled substance, possession with intent to sell and deliver counterfeit controlled substance, sell and deliver counterfeit controlled substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $10,000.00 Unsecured
Kaitlyn Alexandra Bevans, 21, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, sell heroin, possession of heroin, deliver heroin, conspire to sell heroin, conspire to deliver heroin, possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, sell schedule II-controlled substance, deliver schedule II-controlled substance, conspire to sell schedule II-controlled substance, conspire to deliver schedule II controlled substance, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances,  and (2 counts) possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $80,000.00 Secured
Jose Guerero Valenzuela, 24, Eagle Springs:
Charges- (2 count’s) Possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, (2 counts) sell heroin, (2 counts) deliver heroin, conspire to sell heroin, conspire to deliver heroin, misdemeanor child abuse, contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, (2 counts) maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances,  and (2 counts) possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $20,000.00 Unsecured
Jonathan Mario Garcia, 32, Vass:
Charges-  (2 counts) Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, (2 counts) sell schedule II-controlled substance, (2 counts) deliver schedule II-controlled substance, conspire to sell schedule II-controlled substance, (2 counts) conspire to deliver schedule II-controlled substance, trafficking in opium or heroin by possession, trafficking in opium or heroin by sell, trafficking in opium or heroin by deliver, trafficking in opium or heroin by transport, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances,  and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $15,000.00 Unsecured
Jolee Diane Mercer, 32, Eagle Springs:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, sell heroin, deliver heroin, conspire to sell heroin, conspire to deliver heroin and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $2,500.00 Unsecured

James Robert York, 49, Robbins:
Charges- (2 counts) Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance, (2 counts) sell schedule II-controlled substance, (2 counts) deliver schedule II-controlled substance, trafficking in opium or heroin by possession, trafficking in opium or heroin by sell, trafficking in opium or heroin by deliver and (2 counts) maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances.
Bond: $50,000.00 Secured
Gale Chavis Morgan, 64, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule
III-controlled substance, sell schedule III-controlled substance, deliver schedule III-controlled substance, and maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances.
Bond: $10,000.00 Unsecured
Dylan Michael Brown, 21, Robbins:
Charges- Conspire to sell methamphetamine, conspire to deliver methamphetamine and maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances.
Bond: $10,000.00 Unsecured
Dakota Aaron Rush, 24, Robbins:
Charges- Possess heroin and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $10,000.00 Secured
Amber Maie Rush, 21, Eagle Springs:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, sell heroin, deliver heroin, conspire to sell heroin, conspire to deliver heroin, misdemeanor child abuse, contributing to delinquency of a juvenile, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $15,000.00 Unsecured
 Aaron Leshaun Cook, 38, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II-controlled substance-(Methamphetamine), sell schedule II-controlled substance-(Methamphetamine), deliver schedule II-controlled substance-(Methamphetamine), Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II- controlled substance-(Oxycodone), sell schedule II-controlled substance-(Oxycodone), deliver schedule II- controlled substance-(Oxycodone), (2 counts) m/s/d/p controlled substance w/n 1000ft of school, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $50,000.00 Secured
Christopher Allen Rush, 22, Robbins:
Charges- possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule III-controlled substance, sell schedule III-controlled
substance deliver schedule III-controlled substance, conspire to sell schedule III-controlled substance, conspire to deliver schedule III-controlled substance, possess heroin, maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $80,000.00 Secured
Douglas Allen Gattis, 37, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver methamphetamine, sell methamphetamine, deliver methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Bond: $7,500.00 Secured

Brian Stacy Ritter, 33, West End:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule III-controlled substance, sell schedule III-controlled substance, deliver schedule III-controlled substance and maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances.
Bond: $25,000.00 Unsecured
Brandon Monroe Duncan, 35, Robbins:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule III-controlled substance, sell schedule III-controlled substance, deliver schedule III-controlled substance and maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for controlled substances.
Bond: $5,000.00 Secured
Brandi Nicole Dean Furr, 29, West End:
Charges- Possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule III-controlled substance, sell schedule III-controlled substance, deliver schedule III-controlled substance, (2 counts) misdemeanor child abuse,  and (2 counts) contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile.
Bond: $15,000.00 Unsecured
All defendants facing criminal charges are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Feature photo: Top to bottom, left to right: Douglas Gattis, Steven Singletary, Thomas Edmisten, Dakota Rush, Kaitlyn Bevans, Kelly Richardson, Nathanial Rush, Christopher Rush, and Nicole Sink. Not all mugshots were available.



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