Moore County Board of Commissioners released their June 19th Regular Meeting highlights.
~As EMWD Board, approved minutes, bad debt write‐off, held public hearing on FY 19 EMWD
budget, and adopted FY 19 EMWD budget ordinance.
~Approved on consent agenda: minutes, tax releases/refunds, budget amendments, North
Moore High School capital project ordinance, transfer of interest earned in school/college
capital projects fund, 2013 water sources project ordinance revision # 4, FY19 Juvenile Crime
Prevention Council funding plan, Detention Center Facility Medical Plan, bad debt write‐off for
Moore County Public Utilities, deed of dedication for Cameron Ave. development in Vass, deed
of dedication for Juniper Ridge, Lime‐Chem purchase award, surplus of Parks/Recreation
~ Held a public hearing regarding the FY19 recommended budget and adopted the FY19 budget
~ Called a public hearing on July 17, 2018 at 5:30pm to consider a request for a general use
rezoning from Highway Commercial B‐2 to Residential and Agricultural – 40 RA‐40 at 104 Branch
~ Called a public hearing on July 17, 2018 at 5:30pm to consider a request for a conditional use
permit for a 4‐unit Bed and Breakfast at 1351 Dowd Rd.
~ Called a public hearing on July 17, 2018 at 5:30pm to consider a request for text amendments to
the Moore County Unified Development Ordinance.
~Approved resolution declaring opioid crisis a public nuisance in Moore County.
~Approved revisions to the Moore County Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual and
authorized the County Manager to approve future revisions for legislative updates, form
revisions and procedural revisions, with County Attorney approval.
~ Approved budget amendment appropriating $450,000 from assigned fund balance as of June 30,
2017 to Moore County Schools.
~ Approved service contract with North Davidson Garbage Services, Inc. for recycling.
~ Approved Memorandum of Understanding for DSS with NC Department of Health and Human
Services, with addendum.
~ Adopted Position Classification and Pay Plan for Moore County effective July 1, 2018.
~ Approved Office of State Human Resources Salary Report Form for FY 2018/2019.
~ Approved contract for inmate medical services.
~ Tabled contract for inmate food services to the July 17, 2018 meeting.
~ Appointed Joanna King to the Sandhills Regional Library System Board.
~ Appointed Barbara Rauch to the Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee.
photo credit: County of Moore