Moore County Board of Commissioners released their Sept. 18 regular meeting highlights.
~Received update on impacts/activities related to Hurricane Florence from Public Safety Director.
~Approved on consent agenda: minutes, tax releases/refunds, budget amendments, Moore Buddies grant agreement, FY19 5311 Community Transportation Grant Agreement, FY19 5339.
~Statewide Capital Grant Agreement, Board Order for New Covenant Church school, Probation/Parole lease, Juvenile Justice lease, sale of 3 Deerwood Lane, 2018 bond referendum capital project ordinance revision 2.
~Received the proposed 2019 Schedule of Values and called a public hearing regarding the same on October 2, 2018 at 5:30 pm.
~Approved engagement letter with Womble Bond Dickinson for bond counsel services in an amount not to exceed $75,000.
~ Approved contract not to exceed $99,590 with Contaminant Control, Inc. to construct and install a cutoff trench at the Moore County Landfill.
~ Approved contract with Columbus Utilities, Inc. in the amount of $335,920 for pump station SP4 force main repair along Midland Road.
~ Approved contract with Chambers Development in the amount of $133,123 for FY19 and $137,134 for FY20 for wastewater bio-solids tipping.
~ Approved contract with Fat Monkey Express in the amount of $66,840 for the trucking of wastewater bio-solids from the Water Pollution Control Plant to the Anson Waste Management Facility.
~ Approved Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnification Agreement for Rassie Wicker Well.
~ Approved interlocal agreement and lease agreement with the Moore County Board of Education to enable the County to receive sales tax reimbursements for the construction and renovation projects for Moore County Schools.
~ Waived electrical inspection process effective September 18, 2018 through October 2, 2018 to allow customers to be reconnected to power more quickly.
Photo courtesy of Moore County