Moore County District Attorney, Maureen Krueger, was recently appointed to the Task Force on Sentencing Reforms for Opioid Drug Convictions. District Attorney Krueger will represent the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys on the Task Force.

Krueger was appointed to the Task Force by North Carolina Speaker of the House, Tim Moore.

The purpose of the Task Force is to study and review cases of inmates who are incarcerated solely for convictions of opioid drug offenses that require active sentences under structured sentencing; to consider how to identify inmates who would be able to successfully reintegrate into society, and to develop and consider options for modifying existing statutes.

District Attorney Krueger also serves on the North Carolina Law Enforcement Opioid Task Force.

Moore County is recognizing the opioid epidemic.

Just this past Monday, Pinehurst Police Department Officer Ryan Bullock and Master Patrol Officier Keith Gorham administered Narcan to a citizen who was not breathing and had no pulse due to signs of narcotic use.

Recently, Moore County Sheriff’s deputies received training on overdose signs, symptoms, the legal aspects of administering Narcan and its benefits in combating the opioid epidemic.

President Trump recently declared the opioid crisis a “national health emergency”.

The federal government is sending law enforcement teams to North Carolina to help stop the flow of heroin and synthetic opioids.


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