Proving that by working together, families can accomplish great things, the Second Annual Pinecrest Athletics Club (PAC) Auction exceeded expectations and grossed $100,000 with a net revenue of $89,000. The funds will be critical to ensuring that the costs to play sports does not fall on the students shoulders.

“We exceeded our goals for this year’s major fundraising event with a net of $89,000, nearly triple what we made our inaugural year in 2017,” explained Christa Gilder, Auction Co-Chair, “We had 100 parent and student volunteers plus the coaches for each sport, working for the past 5 months to make this a successful event. We are thrilled to see what can happen when the Pinecrest Family comes together to support our student athletes.”

The Pinecrest Athletics Department is dependent on donations to fully fund the department. The annual expenses to support 1025 student athletes, playing 575 games/tournaments is $217,684. Of which, $15,000 comes from Moore County and $134,000 comes from net gate receipts. That leaves the remaining $68,684 for the teams to raise on their own.

These expenses include field maintenance, bus driver expense, mandatory equipment recertification, bus fuel and maintenance, referee pay, gate help, custodial support, insurance event booking fees, trainer supplies and annual NCHSAA membership fees. This does not include any unexpected repairs, preventive maintenance, much needed upgrades, coach or team development, or team uniforms. Team uniforms and equipment is paid for by the individual teams.

“These expenses represent the bare necessity it takes to operate the department,” added Gilder, “We delivered a check to the school today for $6,250 from our “Fund-A-Need” part of the auction earmarked to help offset the $61,000 in athletic transportation costs; and because of the remaining auction proceeds, we will be able to contribute in other important areas as well.”

Many schools throughout the country have adopted a Pay-to-Play model to pay for their athletic programs, requiring the student athletes to pay significant fees in order to play a sport. Pinecrest is committed to avoiding this model.

“We want to ensure that all students can participate in sports without having to worry about how to cover a fee,” explained Jeff Hewitt, Pinecrest Athletic Director, “Studies have proven that student athletes learn leadership, discipline, teamwork, and resilience, and have higher test scores and are more likely to go to college. We want to make sure these opportunities are available to all of our students regardless of their personal finances.”

The community support for this critical fundraising event was outstanding. Over 200 silent auction items were donated along with 18 live auction donations, resulting in an exciting bidding atmosphere. In addition, community sponsors and restaurants contributed to the event.
The group has already secured the Fair Barn for next year’s auction.

“So save the date for the 3rd Annual Back the PAC Night on March 16, 2019. It will be a St. Paddy’s Celebration,” added Gilder.

About the Pinecrest Athletics Booster Club (PAC):

The Pinecrest Athletics Club is a 501(c) (3), not for profit organization, comprised of dedicated parents, guardians, alumni, coaches, teachers, school administrators, and community members.

The Athletics Club supports ALL teams and athletes at Pinecrest High School (PHS). They promote the interests of PHS through its athletic program by developing an organization with an active and involved membership that is concerned with the entire athletic program and all of its participants while respecting the autonomy of individual teams to achieve the inherent greatest benefit of fundraising for their specific team.

The PAC aids and assists the Pinecrest athletics program by organizing projects, fundraisers, concessions, and other special events which will promote and support PHS athletics, such as improving facilities and equipment; supplementing funding of extra needs for athletic activities, not replacing appropriated funding in the school budget; promoting school spirit by encouraging excellence, good sportsmanship and attendance at all sporting events; providing equitable support for all athletic teams at PHS especially in relation to guidance provided by the PHS Athletic Director regarding Title IX considerations; ensuring trust of the PAC by providing transparency and oversight by PHS administration; promoting and recognizing academic excellence in PHS student athletes through a scholarship program.


Christa Gilder, Back the PAC Auction Co-Chair at 910-528-1437; [email protected]

Lesley Berkshire Bradley, Publicity at 910-603-8509; [email protected]

Feature photo: Courtesy of Moore County Schools