Tiger set to play in Pinehurst

Tiger Woods is set to play his first U.S. Open since 2020.

Woods feels prepared to play but acknowledges the course’s challenges.

“This golf course is going to test every single aspect of your game, especially mentally, and just the mental discipline that it takes to play this particular golf course,” said Woods at a Tuesday press conference at Pinehurst Resort, where the 124th U.S. Open is being played from June 13-16. “It’s going to take a lot.”

This will be his third Open at Pinehurst, having played in 1999 and 2005.

Woods will be joined by his son, Charlie, and spoke about how special it is to have him at the Open.

“I think having Charlie out here is very special,” said Woods. “To have the father-son relationship that we have and to extend it into this part of both of our lives. I trust him with my swing and my game. He’s seen it more than anybody else in the world. He’s seen me hit more golf balls than anyone.”

Woods went on to say that his son does have a role in his play.

“I tell him what to look for, especially with putting,” Woods said. “He gave me a couple of little side bits today, which was great because I get so entrenched in hitting certain putts to certain pins I tend to forget some of the things I’m working on.”

Woods has been playing in USGA championships since he was 14 years old and is tied with Bob Jones for the most USGA championships won. He was honored Tuesday evening in Pinehurst with the Bob Jones Award. He won the U.S. Open in 2000, 2002, and 2008.

Feature photo: Tiger Woods speaks to the press on June 11 at Pinehurst Resort ahead of the U.S.—photo by Sandhills Sentinel photographer Cow McFarland.

Sandhills_Sentinel~Written by Sandhills Sentinel Publisher B.J. Goodridge.

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