Approved on consent agenda: minutes, MOU between Information Technology and Public
Works Departments, GIS fee schedule amendment, MOU between Moore County DSS and
Transportation Services, Duke Energy Low Income Grant Plan, budget amendments, digital
learning invoices for Moore County Schools, project budget ordinance and resolution for Airport
projects 36244.57.11.1 and 36244.57.11.2, resolutions authorizing upset bid process for LRKs
#95000166, #00991604, and #00991601, rejection of offer on LRK #00054822, 2016 Urgent
Repair Program Assistance Policy, 2017 Urgent Repair Program and associated documents, 2017
Essential Single Family Rehab Loan Pool Program Assistance Policy, Health Department bad debt
write‐off, contract for School Nurse Funding Initiative FY18
Approved contract with Sandhills Contractors, Inc. for Seaboard and South Street water main
replacements in Vass
Appointed Julia Latham as the ETJ member of the Board of Adjustment and Planning and Zoning
Board for the Village of Pinehurst
Appointed Karuna Rekhraj to the Sandhills Regional Library System Board of Trustees
Reappointed Warren Lewis to the Board of Health
Reappointed Matt Garner to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
Reappointed Bobby Hyman to the Planning Board